I was kind of worried that I wouldn't be able to get it all spun in time. I've never really timed myself to see how long it took me to spin a skein of yarn, but by day 18 I'd spun it all
(Minus the dark blue teal which I spun pre- tour)
So I had to go stash diving. A terrible problem, I know. By noon today I had finished my last skein. Cara took pictures of all the fiber I'd spun up for Tour de Fleece 2013.
And then I sat there, twiddling my thumbs, until I said "Screw it" and threw this on the wheel.
An Australian Merino/Faux Cashmere batt ( a little under 2 ounces) from Picking and Spinning. And silly me, I decided to spin it lace weight and challenged myself to get it finished in time for posting tonight.
I was done and Cara was taking a picture of it at 8:30.
It amazes me how much yarn I actually got spun in the tour this year. The only other time I was part of the tour was when I was spinning with drop spindles. This time, with my Ashford Traditional wheel, I spun a grand total of:
3.9 pounds and 4,534 yards (mostly N-plied) That's over two and a half MILES of yarn!
I think it's safe to say that I've had a good tour. Also, looking at other peoples spinning, there are a lot of beautiful yarns and yummy fibers out there. Way to go us!
eta: I forgot that I can't post pictures on Ravelry unless I steal them from here. So: