Have you ever let life get in the way of the things you love doing? When things are going well I always find, or make, the time to create something. When life gets stressful I set ‘less important’ things aside in order to deal with what needs dealing with.
In the back of my mind I knew that I hadn’t sat at the spinning wheel for some time, but it wasn’t until I finally logged back into Ravelry that I realized just how long it’s been. Eight months. That’s a very long time for me to go without creating. Oh I’ve done some crochet since then. I may have even tried some knitting, and I’ve picked up my inkle loom once or twice, but since spinning is where it’s at for me I think I need to treat myself, take a deep breath, and sit at the wheel and just BE. I may even sign up for TDF again this year. The rules are much more relaxed now, and while I’ve always enjoyed the challenge, I think I really need a more relaxed tour this time around.
I’ve also decided to make jewelry to sell. Yikes that’s a scary decision! I’ve been a homemaker for the past 20 odd years and as I get less employable, times get harder in the job market for my husband. Something’s got to give and I think this is something that I can manage and still be a stay-at-home-mom. Jewelry making was something I tried many years ago and loved doing. Now I’m getting into metal smithing as well. We’ll see how it goes and whether I can sell anything.
Aside from that, this post is a pledge to myself. Once I’m done selling my life away on ebay, I will dig out my spinning wheel (that’s been hiding behind a mound of boxes from the attic), dust it off, and become one with the wool again.