1 – Super fine BFL, Colonial top, & baby Suri alpaca: hand dyed by me, drum carded. 100 yards, N-plied, fingering weight.
2 – Super fine BFL, Colonial top, & baby Suri alpaca: hand dyed by me, drum carded. 298 yards, N-plied, fingering weight.
3 – Super fine BFL, Colonial top, & baby Suri alpaca: hand dyed by me, drum carded. 568 yards, N-plied, lace weight.
4 – Merino/Bamboo/Silk: dyed by WoolGatherings. 314 yards, 2 ply, fingering weight.
5 – Super fine BFL, Colonial top, & baby Suri alpaca: hand dyed by me, drum carded. 262 yards, N-plied, fingering.
6 – Super fine BFL, Colonial top, & baby Suri alpaca: drum carded. 286 N-pied, fingering.
7 – Super fine BFL, Colonial top, & baby Suri alpaca: hand dyed by me, drum carded. 124 yards, N-pied, fingering.
8 – Merino/Bamboo/Silk: dyed by Fiber Fancy. Hand carded into rolags by me. 168 yards N-plied, sport weight.
9 & 10 – Falkland: dyed by Fiber Fancy. 540 yards total, 2 ply, fingering.
11 - Super fine BFL, Colonial top, & baby Suri alpaca: hand dyed by me, drum carded. 452 yards, N-plied, fingering.
12 – Super fine BFL, Colonial top, & baby Suri alpaca: hand dyed by me, drum carded. 262 yards, N-plied, fingering.
13 – Super fine BFL, Colonial top, & baby Suri alpaca: hand dyed by me, drum carded. 268 yards, N-plied, fingering.
14 – Super fine BFL, Colonial top, & baby Suri alpaca: hand dyed by me, drum carded. 248 yards, N-plied, fingering.
15 – Finn/Dorset/Traghee fleece: hand washed & dyed by me, drum carded. 146 yards, N-plied, bulky.
16 – Super fine BFL, Colonial top, & baby Suri alpaca: hand dyed by me, drum carded. 248 yards, N-plied, fingering.
17 – The left over single from #4, N-plied. 23 yards.
18 – #’s 8 and 15 plied together. I had planned on making this yarn but didn’t like the way they looked together. 15 yards, 2 ply, worsted weight.
19 – Not number but is the yarn all on its own. Australian Merino & Faux Cashmere. Dyed by Pickin and Spinnin. 212 yards N-plied lace weight.
Singles – 12,733 yards (7.23 miles)
Total plied yards – 4,534 (2.57 miles)
To get my initial fiber spun for Christmas knitting. ACCOMPLISHED and more.
To learn to spin longdraw. FAILED miserably. Yikes, it looks so easy when someone else is doing it. I will try again with a long fiber and when I have more time to sit and think about it.
All in all I had a very good tour. My daughter helped out with the cooking, did all of the photography for me, and generally made it easier for me to find time to sit at my wheel. Now I need to change gears and get out of spinning mode and into knitting mode. I have planned way too much knitting for Christmas.....again.
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