When I asked my daughter to take pictures of the room, I didn't realize that she couldn't find her camera and used my crappy phone camera instead.
This is the food table.

I'll walk you through it since you can't really tell from the picture. The table cloth is burlap, there are baskets of nuts and apples. Cheese, crackers, bread, and raw veggies are laid out on slabs of wood. Ranch and French dressing as well as hummus are in little wooden bowls with tiny wooden spoons. Shredded cheese and onions are in little crocks. There's a crock of chili with clay bowls, and a wooden planter used for silverware and napkins. Scattered on the table are acorns, pine cones, and orange flowers made from wood. Bottles of root beer with cork stoppers, Sauron Cider, and Brandybuck punch along with pint sized jars with handles. Also on the table, in a basket, were the gift bags. This party was also to celebrate my daughters birthday (Oct) and mine (5 days prior)and since Hobbits give gifts instead of receiving them on their birthdays, we created gift bags for our guests. My daughter made necklaces with charms in which she placed Fairy Berries. She printed out maps and placed those along with polished stones and wizard dice into burlap bags. Along side this where tiny little flower pots planted with a seed. Something from the races of Elves, men, Dwarves, wizards, and Hobbits of middle earth.

In one corner of the room was Smaug on his horde. Smaug is a dragon nut cracker from Russia (thank you ebay) and he's sitting on a pile of gold coins (chocolate coins) and some of my jewelry.

On the mantle were set groupings of pillar candles as well as on the steamer trunk we use as a coffee table. On the walls were my daughters posters. One of the hobbit map, one of Thorin and Company, and another of the elves of Mirkwood. On the tv was a youtube video of a fire burning in a fire place.
We had planned on playing a Hobbit board game before dinner, eating dinner, and then watching the first movie while eating desert but our guests had to work the party into their work schedules so we ate while watching The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey (extended edition), said good bye to our guests, and went to the theater for the midnight premier of The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug.
By the end we had had a great, if not exhausting, day.
Since I'm slow to get things put away I snapped some more crappy but better lite pictures.
Smaug. Thieves have been here and took his gold coins.

I'm keeping the mantle like this. I just need to find someplace to put my baskets now.

Over the couch

Over the food table

Elves in the corner. Look at the lower corner. The kitten tried to kill them.

Wooden flowers scattered around the table.

Kitty aftermath

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