Monday, July 11, 2011

tdf day 10

This is supposed to be a rest day. Oui, rest? I have to catch up on housework, paperwork, meal planning, houseplant care, blogs, laundry....

I'll be busier today than when I'm spinning. There's something wrong with that.

eta: The only way I can get Ravelry to accept pictures is if I post them here and take that address to post there, so, here's the complete write up on the Perendale.
I bought 4 ounces from the Spinning Loft

I washed it (it dried at 3.6 ounces) and Cara combed it for me.

While I was spinning the singles I wasn't too impressed. It reminded me a lot of the Cheviot I've spun. Once I started plying it though, it grew some character and now I quiet like it.